Tuesday, June 16, 2020

Stay-at- Home - The risk of cross contamination

It's been three months since the government  imposed the stay- at- home" policy in our country. It is also the first time the new generation experienced this so called "Lockdown". Unfortunately, it did a lot of setbacks on the part of the country as far as economy is concerned. Many businesses both medium and large were affected and most especially, the people who rely mostly on their job.

Thousands of people including me were fortunate to receive rice and canned goods from the government particularly from the barangays. In fact, staying at home on its early stage was very relaxing especially for those who are working, but later part of it is the most challenging and annoying situation of this stay-at -home thing.On the other side of the story, it is  also a  blessing and a convenient way to save money. No more shopping, partying and many more.

Staying at home and the risk of cross contamination is a a real and  scary thing. You stay at home and you never realized/ that one of the members of your household is asymptomatic positive -covid person...OMG! 
I think that's the real reason behind those numbers. After the lift of the quarantine, cases of covid affected individuals skyrocketed! It is the irony of this asymptomatic person because you will never know that he got the virus. I guess the best remedy is for everyone to be honest to protect others, after all, they are your family.

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